This image is a drawing of a person standing on a beach looking out to sea. The person is wearing a hat and sunglasses, and is holding a surfboard. In the distance, there is a large wave crashing onto the shore. The sky is cloudy and there are some small white clouds in it. There are also some flowers in the foreground, with one petal floating in the air. The image appears to be drawn in black ink.

There are no people or other objects in the image, just the surfboard, the wave, and the flowers. The person in the image appears to be waiting for the wave to arrive, and is looking out to sea with a curious expression on their face.

Overall, the image is fairly simple and has a clear subject – the surfboard and the wave – but the flowers add some interest and color to the scene. The drawing style is fairly basic, with little detail or shading, but it effectively conveys the mood and setting of the image.

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